Welcome to the BCubed Quick Start Guide.
The word "healthy" has different meanings if you are referring to food vs. lifestyle. Each AI Assistant is "prompted" using BCubed's IP to focus on a defined area expertise. This is achieved by creating a logical lens and organizing the GPT 4o model into Information Domains, Categories, Nodes and Content Authority.
Users can ask six to seven questions anonymously of any BCubed AI Assistant before being advised that they have reached the anonymous token limit.
To log in, select the "Login" option at the top right of the page, then enter your provided username and password. Please remember to log out upon completion of your session with Open4AI.
Selecting your AI Assistant
On the right-hand side (below if you are on a mobile device) there is a list of assistants. To start a conversation, follow these steps:
i) Select the AI Assistant you wish to ChatAIr with.
i) Answer the prompt provided in the AI Assistant introductory page, then click "Submit."
ii) Review the AI assistant's description and disclaimer, then click the link to open the chat. Your initial input will be based on the selected purpose.
iii) Once the conversation (session) opens on your screen, it will display the input made on your behalf, it will indicate "thinking” and when OpenAI responds, the AI Assistants response will be displayed for you to view.
iv) If the AI Assistant asks you a question and you do not have an answer, enter "what do you think". The AI will will give you its answer. If you want a detailed answer, enter "what do you think, 400 words" (or as many words as you want) and it will give you that level of answer.
AI Conversations
In the box labeled "Ask me a question," type your query or whatever you'd like to communicate to the AI Assistant, just as you would in a conversation with a real person. As the chat progresses, the AI Assistant will maintain the context of the conversation.
Helpful Hints
i) The AI Assistant builds a conversation "thread" as the conversation progresses. It helps if you do provide it your name. To do this, enter "my name is & your first name"
ii) AI is not search, although it can be used that way. BCubed AI Assistants are trained to ask you for more information. They use this to focus. If you provide good input it will give you better answers. For example, if asking about a healthy diet, it may ask what your goal is? A1) "Lose weight" will give you one response. A2) I am a 67 year old man, exercise occasionally, taking blood pressure medication to manage my blood pressure. I weigh 248 pounds and would like to get to 234.4 pounds, what foods should I eliminate? You will get a much better answer.
iii) It may feel strange talking to a computer. We encourage you to try the voice input, speak as if you were talking to a life coach, a nutritionist, a minister, on the phone. The GPT4o model is estimated to have been trained on 13 trillion tokens, or 13 billion 1,000 words documents. The Information exists in there, our lenses help focus, your input does the rest.
v) Asking the following will give you information about the AI Assistants training; "who are you" : "where did you go to school" : "who are your favorite authors"
Speech input
Click on the microphone image. Click the red "Ask Me" button, which will allow you to record up to 20 seconds of audio. Your device may prompt you to enable your microphone according to your operating system's settings before you can start recording. You can pause and continue recording. Upon clicking "Stop," the system will send the audio file to the server, displaying a "transcribing" message. After transcription, a text version of your input will appear. The Assistant will say "thinking," followed by the AI Assistant's response.
Speech audio output
Click the checkbox labeled "Enable OpenAI TTS" to have the assistant generate an audio file of its response. Please note there may be a delay in creating the file and size limitations. The audio playback controls will be positioned at the top of the AI Assistant's response.
Storing Conversation for reuse
We do not store conversations on our servers. If you wish to keep a conversation for reuse or any other purpose, please copy it and save it to a local document on your device.
Lost connection
AI Assistants can "lose their connection" as the OpenAI platform we work with grows.
If this happens the AI Assistant will keep flashing "thinking" while attempting to reconnect. If unsuccessful, a red message will appear at the top of the dialogue box explaining the situation.
You'll need to start a new session: select "Home," choose your assistant as before, and continue chatting. Although the original conversation's context is lost, you can skip steps since the process is quite intuitive. (see storing a conversation above if you want to go step through your earlier conversation.)
Other instructions
Here's a list of instructions you can give to a BCubed AI Assistant to enhance your interaction, along with how to use them:
Summarize # words: Give a summary of information provided, include # words if required.
Expand # words: Request more detailed information or explanation on a specific topic or point.
Clarify "subject": Ask for clarification if a concept or answer isn't fully understood.
List "what to list": Request a list of actions, steps, or ideas related to your query.
Explain "what to explain" # words: Inquire for a more detailed explanation about a specific term or process.
Prioritize "what to prioritize": Ask for help ordering actions or elements based on importance or urgency.
Analyze "what to analyze": Request a deeper analysis of a problem, situation, or potential opportunity.
How to Use: "Can you analyze the pros and cons of pursuing an MBA for career advancement?"
Rephrase "what to rephrase": Ask for a different wording of a sentence or paragraph for better understanding or impact.
Recommend "what to recommend": Seek advice or recommendations on actions to take or resources to explore.
Evaluate "what to evaluate": Request an assessment or evaluation of an idea, proposal, or decision.
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